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The Shortest Cut to Making More Money in Your Business and Becoming Fulfilled as an Entrepreneur

In the next few minutes, you’ll have in your hands my secret tools for generating consistent sales online and making enough money to grow my business profitably.
You’ll be able to use them to build a brand that gives you great satisfaction, pride and a sense of accomplishment in the near future, EVEN If You’re Bad At Marketing, Sales And Tech.

Dear fellow business owner,

Have you always wished that your business was consistently making more money and profits so that you can finally have some financial stability?

Do you wish your business was generating 7 to 8 figures monthly, so that you can enjoy some freedom and be proud of what you’ve built?

So, why is all these not happening yet?

Why are you instead feeling frustrated, stressed and overwhelmed because you can’t make enough money in your business, not to talk of enough profits to grow it?

Why do you feel like you’re failing yourself, your family and even your customers/clients?
Why are you feeling disappointed and want to give up because you feel there’s no hope of growing your business?

If you feel like all your hard work and effort is not paying off, and that your business is not reaching its full potential, I understand you…because I’ve been there too…

But I want to promise you that your life is going to change after today.

You’ll begin to get more customers and clients on a consistent basis and make more than enough money to grow your business and fund your dream lifestyle.

You’ll build a business that’ll make you confident, happy, proud and fulfilled!

Who am I to be able to make such big promises?

My name is Oludami Yomi-Alliyu, and I’m a business growth strategist who specializes in generating sales online through a very simple system I found that has worked for every business that tried it.

I’m a lawyer turned direct-response copywriter verified by AWAI (American Writers & Artists Inc.) and a digital marketing professional certified by Digital Marketer LLC., Texas.

Apart from offering my services professionally, I own brands like BeauCrest (skincare), RenegadeCommerce (education) and (high-ticket services).

Over the past 5 years, I’ve developed the ability to be able to enter almost any market or niche and start making sales profitably almost immediately, and this has helped me, my clients and my students to grow our businesses profitably.

Due to my little successes, I’ve been featured on major international publications like, ThriveGlobal and EcommerceNation.

And I've been invited to speak on major stages both nationally – like the Youth Entrepreneurship Conference (YECO4) featuring other speakers like Akin Alabi of NairaBet, Jason Njoku of IrokoTV, Omojuwa, Toyin Omotosho, Ronald Nzimora, etc:

...and internationally, like the Ultimate List Building Summit 2021 that featured 21 speakers from all over the world.

I've also been a guest on several podcasts, both locally and internationally.

All these attention were based on my little business success, especially with one single brand.

But it wasn’t always this good for me. In fact, just a few short years ago I was just like you, having trouble making the kind of massive sales I desired…

My Story

I remember anxiously refreshing my CRM one evening late December 2017 to see if there were new orders…

My palms sweaty and hands almost shaky, I waited patiently, for what seemed like forever, for the page to fully load.


BOOM! It appeared right in front of my screen…

Zero new orders!


I was fed up. Ready to give up. But unfortunately, I couldn’t!

From the corner of my right eye, I could catch cartons of annoying Chinese soaps staring back at me.

Don’t get me wrong; the soaps themselves were amazing. What made them annoying at that moment was the fact that they refused to go.

I’d invested all my money into those soaps and the tools that were supposed to sell them off, but I couldn’t even get people to buy them.

You see, just about two months earlier, after years of offering my digital services, I decided to launch an ecommerce business in the skincare industry. I only needed something to supplement my income and give me steadier pay to support my new family.

Since I’d been doing online marketing for years, I didn’t think it’d be a big deal.

Except that it became worse than a big deal!

I launched with a sophisticated sales funnel, hot sales copy and powerful ads…but sales weren’t pouring in as I dreamt.

I was shocked. My ego got bashed – a “certified digital marketer” that couldn’t sell soaps online (<= a friend actually teased me this exact way).

I was refreshing my CRM that fateful evening because I relaunched my campaign earlier that day for the eleventh time in less than 2 months.

I’d done everything I could to this point: tested several sales funnels, edited, tweaked and even changed my sales copy; tested different ad variations, and every other thing the gurus advise.

Yet, none had given me the sales and profits that I desired.

I finally stopped everything after that last failed attempt late December 2017. I decided to put the business on hold and set out on a journey to find a lasting solution.

I needed to figure out how to sell profitably online.

So here's what I did...

Bought books and courses, read tons of articles and watched videos, consulted with experts, spoke to people who were successful in their own ecommerce business, etc.

Out of the several things I did to turn things around, two were the most important:

1. I learnt from Ryan Deiss in a mini-class that sales should be a conversation with your audience, using irresistible offers at each point of your sales system, to take them from stranger to buyer.
2. The shortest cut to successful sales is modeling assets that are already successful in generating sales.

How do I mean?

While searching for solution to my lack of sales, I traveled to visit a friend who was also into ecommerce.

One thing he gave me that made a lot of difference was a sales letter someone else used to sell fertility products. He claimed that the sales letter generated N20m in one weekend.

Now that's the kind of story that gets me excited!

So...I rebuilt my campaign in line with what I learnt from the mini class, but most importantly, I used some proven tools to build my marketing assets.

Of course, I modeled the fertility sales letter in building my own skincare sales letter. I also used some ad templates I got from the mini-class to create my ads. And so on.

I rebuilt the entire sales process of the business from beginning to end and relaunched on Sunday, 21st January 2018 (that’s a date I can never forget).


By noon, we’d gotten three orders. That was already more than I previously got in any day. By the end of the day, it got to 8 orders.

That was when I knew my life had changed! Lol.

By the end of the week, we had gotten more orders than we did in the previous 2 months combined. In fact, we already crossed the N1m-in-orders line. Got 81 orders at N13,000 per order…with a budget of $120 (at N365 per dollar).

By November 2018, even though we only spent a total of about N1.6m on ads, we had:

  • sold over 1,450 products,

  • made over N8.7m in sales,

  • built an email list of over 19,000 active women, and

  • a combined social media following of over 11,000 women.

We’ve gone on to launch our own proprietary products produced locally, from soaps and moisturizers, to body butters and scrubs produced in-house.

Over time, we’ve used about N3.6m to generate over N18m in sales and our email list has exceeded 40,000 women.

This screenshot was taken before we relaunched in 2022

Despite marketing on low budget, we’ve had several seven-figure weeks.

Here I tested a campaign that gave us orders worth over N1m in 9 days with $40 per day, 
despite one campaign underperforming. Of course, few of these orders failed because it’s POD.

Was it a fluke?

Just to prove that my system doesn’t only work for my skincare business, I tested it on an old eBook that I was unable to sell successfully in 2016 using the Product Launch Formula by Jeff Walker.

I launched with ads, and like magic, even though I didn’t have any good upsells, we were making profits at the frontend.

For example, one of my ads for the eBook got 57 leads and 10 sales (at N4,500 each) with just $34. That’s using N12,400 to generate N45,000 without any upsell, plus 47 other people that I can still market and sell to in the future.

This proved that my strategy and tools work!! 

Since then, I’ve used them to generate sales for several products and services in several industries.

Let me show you a few…

Makeup artistry

I was able to get hundreds of leads per week for a makeup studio. In fact, they got 37 leads the first day their ad went live.

With just $10!

The few people who showed up at the studio were more than enough to be profitable from the campaign.

Car dealership

My high-ticket coaching client in the US, Carlton, a car dealer, tested what I was teaching him and used less than $155 to get 25 leads and sold 3 cars.

That’s generating over $50,000 in sales…with less than $155!

Private schools

We were able to get Charismartin Schools about a hundred leads, and also doubled their JSS1 registration, from just one ad that ran for less than a month…with just N25,500.

We replicated the same system for schools like Bethel American International School in Oyo and Valencia Schools in Ibadan. The results were mindblowing! 🤯


Got 5.5x ROAS (return on ad spend) on the sale of hair products for a hair company in the US. That is, they were getting back 5-and-half times what they were spending on ads.


Averaged $3 per lead for a restaurant in Lansing, Michigan (USA), when they newly launched. Goal of the campaign was to give a $20 voucher to 20 people in the locality. The page converted at 15% opt-in rate.

And the launch was successful.

Top shows number of people who opted in and saw the Thank You page.

Household cleaner

A retargeting campaign for a plant-based household cleaner in the US was giving us about 2.5 times return on our ad spend generally.

But on Black Friday 2022 (Nov. 25) this same campaign generated 16x our ad spend (!!!)…and we didn’t even do any promo!

Skincare (client)

We were averaging 3x ROAS per day for the sales of a serum by a skincare company in the US.

For two good years, they didn’t sell anything, despite using both paid and free marketing strategies!

"I am so excited...for the first time in over two years I'm processing multiple orders and sending support emails to actual customers... OMG I'm so happy!" – Yvonne Tazem, Founder, Emmanuela Cosmetics

I could go on and on showing you successful campaigns and results from one industry to another, like photography, more restaurants, courses, seminars, digital products, services, health products, etc… 

...but I think I’ve made my point already: Since the day I launched that skincare funnel successfully, I’ve used it to sell almost anything.

And *NO MATTER* what business you’re in, this system will help you generate the type of profits that will grow your business faster than you imagine and give you freedom and fulfillment as a business owner.

Is this for you?

I call my strategy that helps me to generate sales online The Content Selling System, and it has two phases.

Can't go into it now, but...

...after I decided to teach Nigerian entrepreneurs the secret Content Selling System, I called up a few business owners, including my former students, my sister, my wife and a few friends, to learn what they needed to move their business forward.

Based on the things I learnt, and to help you too make more money from your business and enough profits to grow it profitably, I’ve decided to create a special package just for you (or for anyone smart enough to grab this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity) called the Content Selling Toolkit.

Let me quickly run through all that is in this special package:

The Two-Phase Content Selling Toolkit

This is a special one.

When I called those business owners in December, two things common among what most of them wanted was (1) a way to sell via social media very easily – especially make posts that will generate sales, and (2) a way to make advertising easier.

So what did I do?

Firstly, I took all the assets (blog, video, ads, sales copy, emails, etc.) that I use to implement the Content Selling System in my businesses and that of clients, and then created templates with all of them.

This will help whoever uses those templates to create their own assets and generate sales online profitably, just as I do.

These templates have generated multiple six figures in dollars for me and my clients, and some of them have generated tens of millions of dollars for the people I got them from. They are PROVEN!

Secondly, to help those who want to be more consistent with their social media marketing and also want to be able to generate sales organically (without paid ads), I created 40 social media post ideas that they can use to create social media content every day, from month to month.

This will make sure you don’t waste time on thinking of what to post daily – because it’s that thinking and decision making that prevents most of us from being consistent.

2b.) Then to make things easier, I used some of these ideas to create a monthly content calendar structured to help you generate leads, sales and grow your following.

It’s a 31-day calendar with two posts per day. So you can choose to post once or twice daily.
It was a lot of work to create this, but I didn’t stop there…

2c.) I did the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life: I turned most of these ideas into actual templates!!

Yes, when you go to the calendar, you don’t just get an idea what to post for the day, you also have a template that you can use to create the post by simply filling the blanks. I’m talking 36 social media post templates!!

And each template gives you an idea of the type of image or video to use, lists hashtags you can use to accompany each post and tells you the kind of call-to-action to end your post with.


2d.) I even gave swipes (examples you can model) for some of these templates, just to serve as inspiration for your own posts.

Wait, it’s not finished…

2e.) For those who want to focus more on selling, you also have a set of highly persuasive 15 post templates dedicated to selling on social media from different angles, like bundles, referral programs, limited-time sale, etc.

Good thing is; these templates are so short and powerful that you can also use them to create ads.

2f.) Examples you can swipe for EACH of the social selling posts templates.

Unbelievable, yea? Even I am tired of talking about it.

This is raw gold that you can NOT find anywhere else. I created it as a product to sell separately, and even though this is worth more than N500,000, I’ve been selling it to my foreign audience for just $29 at launch price.

Guess what? Because of the importance of this second phase of Content Selling, I’m giving you all the tools you need to knock it off.

I’m excited for you; wish I had this when I was growing BeauCrest. We didn’t have a content calendar until I hired our Director of Content. And that same calendar that worked so well for us inspired this one.

But this calendar is far better because it’s intentionally aimed at getting sales, leads and followers.

When you order for the Content Selling Toolkit today, you'll get:

Templates for ALL your marketing assets, from sales content to ads to sales copy to emails, etc. (Valued at N90,000);

40 social media content ideas (Valued at N40,000)

a 31-day social media content calendar aimed at generating sales, leads and following (Valued at N40,000)

36 social media post templates based on these ideas and calendar (Valued at N75,500)

Examples and swipes for the templates, which you can model to create yours (Valued at N19,500)

15 highly persuasive social selling templates for sales posts (Valued at N75,000)

Examples for the social selling post templates too (Valued at N10,500)

TOTAL: N350,500

Woah...7 whole tools in one toolkit; I envy you already (and I hope my own competitors don’t get this. Lol.)

I’ll suggest you don’t miss the opportunity to grab this unbelievable toolkit.

Even you will agree that so many business owners, marketers and content creators will be happy to pay a lot of money for this. 

Even though this package is absolutely priceless and is worth millions of Naira, the total value I put on what you receive is N350,500.

Let me ask you...

If all this toolkit did was give you the ability to generate sales and successfully make ANY amount of money you decide to make every month, would it be worth it?

If all it did was help you grow your business profitably to the level you dream of, where you feel accomplished and proud of what you’ve built and people around you perceive you as a success and not a failure, would it be worth N350,500 to you?

Even if it only makes you just an extra N100,000 from your business monthly (that’s an extra 1.2M per year), would it be worth it? What of 100k weekly?

I know it’s more than worth it. These tools changed my life!!

I was making steady money from my business, traveling abroad on vacations and feeling like a successful mini-celebrity.

But don’t worry, I’m not going to charge you the 350k that this package is worth.

I’m not even going to charge you the 100k that you were probably thinking.

I’ve decided to price the Content Selling Toolkit at a very low price so that more people can afford it and use it to make money in their own business. So I sell it online for just $29 -- that is N21,750.

But because you’re here today, and I really want you to join me on my huge mission of growing 10k Nigerian businesses by 2027, I’m going to give you access to the Content Selling Toolkit at an unbelievable special launch price of just N2,950.

Click the button below to get your templates immediately:

Note: This price is only a launch price; it can increase at any time without warning.

So if you want it, get it immediately and don't procrastinate.

Once you click the button, you’ll be taken to a secure Paystack payment page to complete your order.

Prefer Bank Transfer?

If you prefer to do a direct transfer, simply send payment to any of these accounts:

1. UBA
Renegade Ventures

2. GTBank
J. O. Yomi-Alliyu

Then send proof of payment to 08080808116 via WhatsApp.

You’ll get a reply with your registration link once your payment is confirmed.

Just imagine what life will be like after you start getting sales consistently and making more than enough money to grow your business.

What are you going to do with all that money?

For those who are already ordering, this is what will happen next:

As soon as you complete your order online, or click the link you get after your transfer is confirmed, you will be taken to a page where you enter your contact details.

Then you’ll immediately get your Content Selling Toolkit via email.

Here’s the button to order through again:

For others, well, it doesn’t matter to us if you grab the toolkit right now or not.

Me and other business owners who have already ordered.

However, without our help, you’ll continue wasting time posting and posting content on social media without results or continue wasting money trying to get sales from ads – you’ll be working harder and spending more money than you need to.

That might sound kinda harsh, but deep within you, you know that it’s true.

It doesn’t have to be that way, but the choice is yours; you can either continue trying to figure out this marketing and sales thing on your own, or you can allow us to help you by joining us.

Either way, me and other business owners using these tools will make even more money from our businesses thus year, no matter what happens in the country.

As your friend and fellow entrepreneur though, I'd suggest you join us.

Simply click on the button below to join us and become a successful industry leader sooner than you ever dreamt of:

See you soon,

Oludami Yomi-Alliyu
Business Growth Strategist and Direct Response Content Marketer

PS: Remember, when you order for the Content Selling Toolkit today, you will get:

Templates for ALL your marketing assets, from sales content to ads to sales copy to emails, etc. (Valued at N90,000);

40 social media content ideas (Valued at N40,000)

a 31-day social media content calendar aimed at generating sales, leads and following (Valued at N40,000)

36 social media post templates based on these ideas and calendar (Valued at N75,500)

Examples and swipes for the templates, which you can model to create yours (Valued at N19,500)

15 highly persuasive social selling templates for sales posts (Valued at N75,000)

Examples for the social selling post templates too (Valued at N10,500)

TOTAL: N350,500 YOU ONLY PAY N2,950

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