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personalization digital marketing strategy

The success of every company is henched on the consumers. This is why most companies find new ways to give their customers the best customer experience – so they keep coming back.

Personalization is one of such techniques that makes your customers feel that you know them individually and care about their personal needs.

This is not a new strategy, but it is not too late for your company to come on board. Together, we are going to explore what personalization is and how you can infuse personalization into your digital marketing strategy.

Let’s get the dice rolling.

What is Personalization?

Personalization is the act of giving your customers a customer experience that is well-aligned with their preferences or specific need.  You tailor your offer or message to your customers based on their personal behavior.

Basically, it is making your customers feel like you are catering to them alone. This makes them feel special, more receptive to your message, but more importantly, willing to take action when you ask them to.

How does personalization as a part of your digital marketing strategy help your business?

1. You get loyal customers

When every customer of yours feels like their personal needs are met and you understand them, they become loyal.

Because the customer experience they get every time is off the charts, they would come back and even better, spread the good word out for you.

2. You get to know more about your customers

Before you can put personalization in motion, you need to know the habits of potential customers. This requires gathering data which gives you a better idea of whom you are selling to and how your service can meet their needs.

3. Increase in sales

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Happy customers equal more sales.

How do you infuse personalization into your digital marketing strategy?

There are two major parts of digital marketing that you can easily personalize:

1. Your email marketing

There are several ways you can personalize your emails. They include:

  • Instead of sending your emails with the company’s name, send your emails with the name of an actual person, maybe from your marketing team.
  • Use your recipient’s name. Instead of saying “Dear customer”, you write “Dear Fadeke” in your greeting. Use the first name. Only friends call us by our first names.
  • Divide your recipients based on their level in the customer journey and tailor your content to reflect that. You can also do this based on their interest. Automation tools make this easier.

For example, for our beauty brand, BeauCrest, when you download the free e-book, you automatically get a series of emails for the next 30 days. The message in these emails differs from those we send to people who have already bought our products.

  • Make your content personal. The kind of words you use and your tone should make them feel like they got it from a friend. This makes the email seem like it was sent to only them even though you sent it to thousands of people.
  • Respond to emails personally instead of automating the process.

2. Website personalization

Here are some ways to create a personalized experience when people come visiting your website:

  • Attract first-time visitors with a very tempting and exclusive offer, just for new visitors only. You can give a discount on their first order or add a huge bonus.
  • Use Geo-location-based targeting. This is for companies that have stores in different locations. For example, you can redirect them to a local store. So, they read in a language familiar to them and see content and offers that are geographically relevant to them. 
  • Make good use of pop-ups. If someone has been on a particular page and shown interest in the product you are selling but they are leaving without buying, you can offer a discount on that product on an exit intent pop-up. So, the pop-up appears just before they leave.
  • Make use of interactive polls and quizzes. Ensure that they are about your audience’s tastes, needs, and belief. This will help you gather more info about them and how best to serve their needs. For this to be effective, ensure that your copy is compelling, and you ask interesting questions.  

3. Social media advertising

Advertising on social media especially platforms like Facebook makes it easier to personalize your message and reach those who will be interested in it.

If you are a beauty brand that sells, clothes, shoes, bags etc. and you have a message about bags, you do not have to target all audiences. With the help of Facebook ads, you can target only the people who are interested in bags.

To get the best results, you need to…….

Get as much information as you can about your customers. Get their data and study their behavior. Then, you group your customers based on similar behaviors and needs.

For each group, consider the series of interactions they have had with your brand, their progress in the customer journey, etc. You can get the data for this from their visits to your website, purchases, contact with customer service, etc.

It is after getting data like these that you can begin to send relevant and timely messages and offers which, thanks to the data you have gotten, seem really personalized.

In conclusion,

It is possible to make every customer have a personalized experience when they engage with your brand. You can infuse personalization into your digital marketing strategy.

All you need to do is get tools, plug-ins, and software in place that help to track customer behavior and use the information you have to talk to them like it is a one-on-one interaction.

If you can do, you will get your customers feeling good, willing to buy and trusting your brand.

Now, over to you…

Do you have any suggestions to help create a personalized experience you would like to share or a question you want to ask, leave a comment and I will answer as soon as I can.

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Ebibote Opetu
Ebibote Opetu

Ebi was the Content Director of RenegadeCommerce. She handled the blogs and social media platforms of RC, its subsidiaries and clients.


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