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copy questionnaire

Mostly, good copywriting is never about how creative the writer is, or how good they are with words. No, great copywriting is almost routine-y. I mean, there’s mostly always a routine and a structure (the structure part is a no-brainer) that great copywriters follow in creating high-converting killer copy.

Still in the spirit of “digital marketing foundation”, and since your copy is a vital part of your overall marketing (you can’t escape it!), I’ve decided to share with you one of my go-to secret copywriting weapons: my copy questionnaire.

This is a list of questions I use for my clients — and of course, for myself — to get the best out of the product or service I’m to sell on paper.

I basically use this questionnaire to juice my clients and their products, in order to harvest the product/service’s BIG idea, and other powerful nuggets I’ll use throughout the copy, to make it highly persuasive and compelling.

This copy questionnaire is one I’ve collected from several expert sources and been fine-tuning for over 4 years now. And I don’t write copy without it. (Key part of my copywriting routine!)

Clients have often complained to me that some of the questions are hard; it’s true, but what I tell them is: if you can answer these questions to your best ability, there’s no way your copy won’t come out good and successful (aka highly converting).

One other benefit (among many others) of using this questionnaire is that it helps you to think deeply (if not in a different way) about your product/service. You’re forced to think of things you never thought of previously, and this can in turn help you to make even that product or service better.

There are many prospects I’ve sent this questionnaire to, but never came back. They ran away with it, because it already solved half of their copy problems.

This copy questionnaire just works. It’s one of my copywriting secrets I’ve never shared publicly, until now — I even hardly share it privately. Lol.

SO, copy it out (won’t give you a downloadable PDF version, sorry), keep it, and use it whenever you desire. You can even use it to edit your current copy and see the difference it would make.

Without wasting time further, here are the questions (at least the basics) you need to answer to get the best nuggets to fill your sales copy with and therefore make it powerful:


  • Briefly describe your ideal audience/customer.
  • What “pain point” does your target audience normally experience in order to desperately need your products/services?
  • What fears & hopes do they have that your product can help?
  • What do they want (back) in their life that your product can provide?
  • What in their life do they want to stop – that your product can help?
  • What do they hate that your product can fix?
  • What comforts & cover-ups do they use in place of a real solution?
  • And how can your product be the REAL SOLUTION they desire?


  • Describe your unique value proposition (or USP).
  • HOW will a typical audience/customer take the action you desire?
  • What factors (logical and emotional) drive your customers to doing business with you?
  • What are some common misconceptions about your product (generally)?
  • What do you think a potential customer would search for online when in need of your kind of product/service?
  • Any major direct competitors (online and offline)? Please list them…
  • Describe your sales process
  • What are some specific results you would like to see at the end this copywriting assignment?
  • What are some obstacles you have had with your current and past Internet marketing strategies?

Other Important Nuggets…

  • What are the key features of your product?
  • Write out about 20-30 benefits that the prospect will derive from your solution (product).
  • List out your credibility pointers (those things that either prove you’re an authority, or make you more believable), e.g, testimonials, endorsements, recommendations, data, facts/statistics, etc.


There you have it. A list of questions you can always use to get those conversion-boosting sales juice out of your product/service, your prospect, and even out of yourself.

Just ensure you answer all these questions to the best of your ability. Answer even the ones that seem repetitive.

And the writing 20-30 benefits part…try as much as possible to do this; it’s probably the most powerful part of the whole questionnaire. If you can list 20-30 benefits (not features) of your product/service, your sales copy would definitely be VERY rich and persuasive. Remember copywriting is mostly always about benefits and deep benefits.

When my clients complain about this part, I tell them: “if you can’t list at least 20 benefits of what you’re offering, then it’s probably not worth offering it. Go back to your drawing board and create something more useful.”

Now I’m saying that to you too. 20 benefits, or nothing!

I hope you find the questionnaire (and the entirety of this post) useful.

Don’t forget to share this post with other people this post might help. And if you’ve got any questions or additions, or criticisms, kindly drop them in the comments section 🙂

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Oludami Yomi-Alliyu
Oludami Yomi-Alliyu

Oludami is the founder of RenegadeCommerce. He is certified as a digital marketing professional by DigitalMarketer HQ, Texas, and as a professional copywriter by American Writers and Artists Inc. (AWAI).


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